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Ebbett Marketing’s “Cause for Hope”

December 2019

Creating better life opportunities for refugee children.

Earlier this year one of our colleagues, Lee, flew over to Malaysia with his family to volunteer for a year supporting the refugee community. Lee and his family are working hard to help within a UN endorsed NGO that provides education, food, health, shelter and the general wellbeing of refugee children.

To support Lee and his family in what they are doing, we have set up a Give-a-little page to try and raise money for the Elshaddai Refugee Learning Centre. In Malaysia, $100 NZD is enough to feed, shelter and educate a child in this community for an entire month. Our goal as a team is to raise $5,000 to support these children.

Give now to support our cause.

If you would like to learn more about what we are doing or would like to make a donation to this worthy cause, please visit our Cause For Hope website.

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